turn away | m

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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december 12th
i saw the end, and it looks like the middle
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TAG WITH @nicholas
nicholas steele
turn away | m
POSTED ON Sept 2, 2024 3:44:32 GMT
nicholas steele Avatar

the sun has scarcely risen over route 101, painting the landscape in hues of amber and gold, when nick begins his trek. the reports of an anomalous golurk had been coming in for days now—rumors of an eerie, luminous glow emanating from its body, of its unnatural behaviors bordering on hostile. as a ranger, it was his duty to investigate and protect the natural order, even if he himself felt unmoored from it.[break][break]

the road stretches before him, the path still wet with morning dew, glistening like crushed opals under the nascent light. to either side, the verdant expanse of tall grass sway gently in the breeze, whispers of secrets carried on its undulating currents. nick's boots, worn and scuffed from countless miles, crunch against the gravel with each purposeful step, a steady metronome marking the passage of time.[break][break]

as he nears the coordinates provided by the last eyewitness account, an unsettling sensation prickle the back of his neck, like the touch of unseen eyes. the tall grass seems to part before him as if guided by an invisible hand, revealing a clearing where an enormous golurk looms, its stonelike form bathed in an ethereal, pulsating glow, touched by the brilliance of the dawn. its eyes, usually dull and vacant, burn with an otherworldly light, casting eerie shadows across the ground. nick's heart pounds in his chest as he surveys the scene, one hand reaching instinctively for a pokeball at his belt. whatever was happening here, it is far beyond the bounds of normal.[break][break]

the golurk appears to notice him now, its massive head swinging around to fix him with an unnerving stare. nick stands his ground, though every fiber of his being screams at him to run. something about this creature—this abomination—fills him with a primal, gut-wrenching terror he has never known before. its movements are jerky, almost mechanical, as it took a lumbering step forward, the earth trembling under its immense weight.[break][break]

nick's hand instinctively clutches around the pokeball on his belt as he prepares to send out his altaria--a question, wondering if it will charge, prepared to defend himself if it does.[break][break]



- bingo: anomaly



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[newclass=".nick .credit a"]font-size:10px;[/newclass]
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played by


Ina, Yu, Yuyu, Yui
February 21
Petalburg City (?)
Historian/Anomaly Ecologist
Elite Ranger
I don't want
To imagine a past, that doesn't have you in its future
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
To truly know one's self, look back on the marks you've made in history
1,825 posts
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TAG WITH @yuinahigashi
Yuina Higashi
turn away | m
POSTED ON Sept 2, 2024 21:21:05 GMT
Yuina Higashi Avatar


Caught somewhere between sublime purpose and frantic mania, Yuina continued to travel across Hoenn at just the mere mention of each new instance of the golden Pokemon that were emerging. It was all she could do to stay focused on the work, the studying, her thoughts switching between common language and dead foreign word haphazardly, addled thoughts maintaining her struggle.[break]
Reading, translating, mapping, traveling, anything... Anything she could do to not sit and stare and wonder and wait for that black panel to show up again... She just wanted to forget...[break][break]
Out in the quiet beyond littleroot town was her next report, and as Yuina came up over a hill amidst the trees, careful, quiet... Her gaze sharpened at the sight of someone already in the line of sight of the anomalous Pokemon. She wasn't going to lose another one, not if she could help it. It's territory hadn't been challenged yet perhaps... Maybe she could salvage the instance...[break][break]
Just beside the man, frozen in place where he stood in the grasses, darkness and shadow loomed up from his own shadow he cast. From the darkness, white fur and claw lunged out and grabbed him beneath piercing yellow eyes, and if the claws were successful to make contact, he was unceremoniously and swiftly pulled into the shadow.[break][break]
Coming out the otherside, off in the distance where Yuina remained, she was ready in wait as Kloa emerged from his darkness, the man in tow.[break][break]
"Shhh, shhh please don't shout," Yuina was quick to make herself known, but she was hushed, pleading, he needed to understand she needed him to be quiet...

Mission: Noble Phantoms (6th Anni) -> Route 101[break]
Bingo: HOENN[break]


[newclass=.yuina]margin: 0 auto; width: 420px; box-shadow: 2px 2px 0px #333333,-2px 2px 0px #333333,2px -2px 0px #333333,-2px -2px 0px #333333; border-radius: 5px;border: solid 1px #232323;[/newclass]
[newclass=.yuina div.quote_body] margin: 10px -25px -20px -20px!important;[/newclass]
[newclass=.yuinamain]border-radius: 5px 5px 0px 0px;background-color:#2b2b2b;padding:30px 35px 40px 35px;text-align:justify;font-size:10px;line-height:16px;letter-spacing:.5px;font-family:poppins;[/newclass]
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[newclass=.yuinatag] text-align: center; font-weight:bold; margin: 0 auto; background-color: #272727; height: 20px; width: 420px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.yuina b] color: #A4DE52; font-size: 10px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.yuina i] color: #cecece; font-size: 10px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.yuina u] text-decoration: none; text-transform:uppercase; color: #A4DE52; font-size: 10px;font-family:Quattrocento Sans; letter-spacing: 2px; font-weight: bold; [/newclass]
[newclass=.yuina a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font:bold 10px Quattrocento Sans!important;letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.yuinapoke] background-color:#272727;height:60px;background-image:url(https://image.ibb.co/dMFuMc/flower.png);background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:center right;text-align:center;padding-bottom:15px;border-radius: 0px 0px 5px 5px;[/newclass]
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december 12th
i saw the end, and it looks like the middle
26 posts
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TAG WITH @nicholas
nicholas steele
turn away | m
POSTED ON Sept 2, 2024 21:37:47 GMT
nicholas steele Avatar

in an instant, the world shifts beneath nick's feet. one moment, he stood face to face with the glowing, unnatural golurk, his heart pounding in his chest; the next, an amorphous darkness had risen up to envelop him, dragging him down into its fathomless depths. it is like being pulled into a vortex of shadows, the sensation akin to falling through an endless void.[break][break]

when he finally resurfaces, it takes nick's disoriented mind a moment to register his new surroundings. the landscape has changed, although not substantially, a clue clear enough for nick to conclude that he had just been pulled into another area of the route entirely. his first thought is of the golurk, if this creature is capable of teleporting, of warping reality itself in such a way—what chance did he have against it? his hand tightened around the pokeball at his hip, a futile gesture of reassurance. then, he notices the creature of darkness behind him, the owner of the claws that had pulled him into the abyss. then, a rustling in the undergrowth.[break][break]

it is then that he notices the figure approaching through the trees—a young woman with long brown hair and serious eyes. her voice is low and urgent as she pleads with him to stay quiet. nick's mind races as he tried to make sense of the situation. is this woman responsible for the zoroark that had pulled him away? does she mean him harm? he has no way of knowing.[break][break]

regardless, nick decides to play nice. with a deep breath, nick raises his hands in a universal sign of peace as he gathers his wits about him. "okay, okay," he says. "i'm not gonna yell. don't worry."[break][break]

he pauses, briefly, then continues. "did you... pull me away from the golurk?"



- n/a



[newclass=".nick"]--accent:#D8AD43;font:12px Poppins;[/newclass]
[newclass=".nick b"]color:var(--accent);font:bold 14px Roboto;letter-spacing:.1px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".nick h2"]font:14px Poppins;color:var(--accent);font-weight:bold;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".nick .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".nick .credit"]width:100px;background-color:#232323;font-size:10px;margin-top:7px;padding:3px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".nick .credit a"]font-size:10px;[/newclass]
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played by


Ina, Yu, Yuyu, Yui
February 21
Petalburg City (?)
Historian/Anomaly Ecologist
Elite Ranger
I don't want
To imagine a past, that doesn't have you in its future
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
To truly know one's self, look back on the marks you've made in history
1,825 posts
part of
TAG WITH @yuinahigashi
Yuina Higashi
turn away | m
POSTED ON Sept 3, 2024 16:03:00 GMT
Yuina Higashi Avatar


Pleased with his capture, Kloa disperses the darkness of his shadows, yellow eyes fixated on the man that he had just brought through to Yuina. He licked at his jowls, he could taste the fear and discontent in the air, it was palpable... He wouldn't make a fuss though, would he? That just wouldn't do...[break][break]
The moment stretched on forever it felt like, between Kloa bringing the man through and bidding him to be quiet, waiting for his response, for the panic... Yuina was as intent as she was frantic, but she wasn't threatening... Or at least she might have hoped so. Kloa on the other hand... She knew how imposing the fox could come across. But the moment ticked forward as the man raised his hands and kept his voice low and quiet... He understood.[break][break]
Yuina's shoulders fell, though the thousand yard stare glossed over amber eyes didn't leave her, as she nodded, thankful that he could read the room. He might not appreciate the situation, but they'd reached a minimal amount of understanding.[break]
"I couldn't let you attack it," Yuina spoke first, perhaps not a welcoming opening statement, a little accusatory even... But it made her intentions clear.[break][break]
"You were getting ready to challenge its territory... they're here for a reason and no one understands that," she was still quiet, glancing into the near distance where it still lumbered through the grasses. Maybe she would actually get to study and observe this one...

Mission: Noble Phantoms (6th Anni) -> Route 101[break]
Bingo: CAPTURE[break]


[newclass=.yuina]margin: 0 auto; width: 420px; box-shadow: 2px 2px 0px #333333,-2px 2px 0px #333333,2px -2px 0px #333333,-2px -2px 0px #333333; border-radius: 5px;border: solid 1px #232323;[/newclass]
[newclass=.yuina div.quote_body] margin: 10px -25px -20px -20px!important;[/newclass]
[newclass=.yuinamain]border-radius: 5px 5px 0px 0px;background-color:#2b2b2b;padding:30px 35px 40px 35px;text-align:justify;font-size:10px;line-height:16px;letter-spacing:.5px;font-family:poppins;[/newclass]
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[newclass=.yuinatag] text-align: center; font-weight:bold; margin: 0 auto; background-color: #272727; height: 20px; width: 420px; [/newclass]
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[newclass=.yuina i] color: #cecece; font-size: 10px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.yuina u] text-decoration: none; text-transform:uppercase; color: #A4DE52; font-size: 10px;font-family:Quattrocento Sans; letter-spacing: 2px; font-weight: bold; [/newclass]
[newclass=.yuina a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font:bold 10px Quattrocento Sans!important;letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.yuinapoke] background-color:#272727;height:60px;background-image:url(https://image.ibb.co/dMFuMc/flower.png);background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:center right;text-align:center;padding-bottom:15px;border-radius: 0px 0px 5px 5px;[/newclass]
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played by


december 12th
i saw the end, and it looks like the middle
26 posts
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TAG WITH @nicholas
nicholas steele
turn away | m
POSTED ON Sept 3, 2024 23:06:29 GMT
nicholas steele Avatar

nick's initial assessment of the woman is… unusual. for one, her eyes hold a certain intensity, a restless hunger that bordered on manic. it is an expression he had seen before, on the faces of his patients during his tenure as a doctor—in those final moments when pain and desperation had broken the thin veneer of composure. yet, there is something else there, too… something almost akin to reverence. or perhaps obsession.[break][break]

he looks back at the zoroark from where he still sits on the forest floor, who regards him with piercing yellow eyes. an uneasy truce has been established, it seems. for now, at least. nick turns back to yuina, his hands still raised in a pacifying gesture. "i'm... sorry for interfering," he says, his voice steady and low. "i was a bit concerned by its behavior, that's all."[break][break]

he pauses, considering her words. these strange pokémon have been appearing all across hoenn in the wake of the war, each more bizarre and terrifying than the last. what is she implying—that they're not just mere anomalies, but something more? something intentional? he shakes his head slightly, colored by surprise. it's almost too much to wrap his mind around.[break][break]

"what do you mean, they're here for a reason?" he asks, genuine curiosity coloring his tone. "what reason could that possibly be?"[break][break]

nick braces his hands beneath his body and finally pulls himself into a standing position, at which point he brushes dirt and loose grass from his pants. "who are you?" he asks, fixing yuina with narrowed eyes. "what do you know about these things?"



- bingo: surprise



[newclass=".nick"]--accent:#D8AD43;font:12px Poppins;[/newclass]
[newclass=".nick b"]color:var(--accent);font:bold 14px Roboto;letter-spacing:.1px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".nick i"]color:var(--accent);[/newclass]
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[newclass=".nick h2"]font:14px Poppins;color:var(--accent);font-weight:bold;[/newclass]
[newclass=".nick .body"]background-image:url("https://image.ibb.co/cpf8Wc/flower_patt.png");background-position:bottom;background-repeat:no-repeat;text-align:justify;letter-spacing:.2px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".nick .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".nick .credit"]width:100px;background-color:#232323;font-size:10px;margin-top:7px;padding:3px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".nick .credit a"]font-size:10px;[/newclass]
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played by


Ina, Yu, Yuyu, Yui
February 21
Petalburg City (?)
Historian/Anomaly Ecologist
Elite Ranger
I don't want
To imagine a past, that doesn't have you in its future
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
To truly know one's self, look back on the marks you've made in history
1,825 posts
part of
TAG WITH @yuinahigashi
Yuina Higashi
turn away | m
POSTED ON Sept 9, 2024 1:02:42 GMT
Yuina Higashi Avatar


Now that the encounter hadn't been compromised, Yuina's attention wasn't much on the man that she had stolen away. Instead she was drawing out a notebook, and an impossibly old leather bound book scrawled by foreign word on its spine. She could finally study one of the Pokémon for as long as it might remain, or for as long as it took for someone or something else to challenge it...[break][break]
"These Pokémon are protectors, they're meant to guard their territory and the Pokémon within it," Yuina offered first, though she did not look to him as he questioned her. Instead she was intent on the notes she was taking, a haphazard mix of written word an ancient characters.[break][break]
"Something is happening that is calling them here... That's the only reason that makes sense for their emergence," she spoke again, jotting down more notes as she watched the Golurk in the distance, opening the old leather book to flip through its pages.[break][break]
After a moment, the man had more questions still, and Yuina had half a mind to ask Kloa to take him somewhere else... Was it so much to ask that she be able to work on her studies without being interrupted?[break]
"My name is Yuina...," she returned, though she hesitated to provide more, not when she was at this point so uncertain of if she could even say she was who she thought she was, who she wanted to be...[break][break]
"I'm a historian, my field of work revolves around ancient Sinnoh, during a time when it was called Hisui," she offered, choosing not to call herself a ranger, not right now.

Mission: Noble Phantoms (6th Anni) -> Route 101[break]


[newclass=.yuina]margin: 0 auto; width: 420px; box-shadow: 2px 2px 0px #333333,-2px 2px 0px #333333,2px -2px 0px #333333,-2px -2px 0px #333333; border-radius: 5px;border: solid 1px #232323;[/newclass]
[newclass=.yuina div.quote_body] margin: 10px -25px -20px -20px!important;[/newclass]
[newclass=.yuinamain]border-radius: 5px 5px 0px 0px;background-color:#2b2b2b;padding:30px 35px 40px 35px;text-align:justify;font-size:10px;line-height:16px;letter-spacing:.5px;font-family:poppins;[/newclass]
[newclass=.yuinatag a] color:#272727!important; [/newclass]
[newclass=.yuinatag] text-align: center; font-weight:bold; margin: 0 auto; background-color: #272727; height: 20px; width: 420px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.yuina b] color: #A4DE52; font-size: 10px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.yuina i] color: #cecece; font-size: 10px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.yuina u] text-decoration: none; text-transform:uppercase; color: #A4DE52; font-size: 10px;font-family:Quattrocento Sans; letter-spacing: 2px; font-weight: bold; [/newclass]
[newclass=.yuina a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font:bold 10px Quattrocento Sans!important;letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.yuinapoke] background-color:#272727;height:60px;background-image:url(https://image.ibb.co/dMFuMc/flower.png);background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:center right;text-align:center;padding-bottom:15px;border-radius: 0px 0px 5px 5px;[/newclass]
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played by


december 12th
i saw the end, and it looks like the middle
26 posts
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TAG WITH @nicholas
nicholas steele
turn away | m
POSTED ON Sept 10, 2024 22:59:52 GMT
nicholas steele Avatar

nick listens to yuina's explanation with a growing sense of disbelief, his brows furrowed in confusion. protectors? guarding territory and pokemon within it? it sounds like something out of an ancient myth, a legend from the dawn of time. and yet... there is an unsettled conviction in yuina's words that gives nick pause. she believes what she's saying, of that he has no doubt.[break][break]

as yuina begins scribbling in her notebook, nick takes the opportunity to study her more closely, his gaze flicking from her intent face to the ancient book in her lap. there is a fervent, almost fanatical quality to her demeanor that puts nick on edge. he has seen that look in people before—people so consumed by their cause that they lost sight of reality, of the world around them. it was not an attractive trait, in his opinion. but he also knows better than most how easy it is to become consumed by one's work.[break][break]

and now that she identifies herself as a historian, it makes sense. in nick's experience, historians just tend to be like that, given all the history professors he met back in college.[break][break]

nick crosses his arms over his chest, and the fabric of his orange jacket ruffles with the movement. "i'm nick," he replies. "i'm a ranger. i didn't mean to interrupt—i just came out here because there were weird reports in the area."[break][break]

"i guess i know why, now." he looks out into the darkened woods, and his eyes grow distant. "...i feel bad for them. bad might be the wrong word, but..."[break][break]

nick rapidly shakes his head. it's hard to make sense of the emotions he feels in the presence of the phantoms, so he finds it best to rid himself of the emotions entirely. instead, he fixes yuina with a stare once again, and tilts his head to the side. "i apologize if this is too forward, but is there anything i can do to help? something about them... i don't know. i want to know more."



- bingo: professor



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[newclass=".nick .credit a"]font-size:10px;[/newclass]


it's a long life full of long nights

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP